art director + designer

Groupon Goods Holiday Boxes

Groupon Goods Holiday Boxes




After a year of having the Groupon Goods packaging, we took to Twitter and Instagram to see what our customers were saying about it. Groupon Goods customers were sharing pics of their purchases with our boxes. We were so excited to see so many customer excited about our brand. Customers seemed to like the presence of the large logo, the humor copy, and the cat. In addition to our customers excitement, we also found that the current box design stands out amongst other packages in mail rooms.



Due to the success of the current packaging, we designed the holiday packaging to mimic the everyday design but with a holiday twist. We took the same green band and Groupon wordmark and added the holiday cat and lightbulbs that were present throughout the holiday consumer marketing.

We applied the design to 12 different sized boxes, 4 different sized poly mailers, and 4 bubble envelopes.