art director + designer


March On

While volunteering at a AdHer event, I had the chance to mentor a group of high school girls while they recreated an advertisement they felt miss the mark. It had me questioning what campaigns have I seen that missed the mark and what would I do differently?

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Brittany CampbellComment
A Year at United

Today marks one year that I have been working at United Airlines as an art director. Not only have I worked on incredible projects but I've been able to meet some of the most amazing people in my career. I feel incredibly lucky to have met my boss who happens to be an incredible role model and mentor. I have learned more than I ever thought I could possibly learn within one year. 

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Brittany CampbellComment
The Christmas Spirit

As I left her home yesterday, I realized, that while this year had been a really hard one, for almost everyone I know, we can still overcome. It's hard to start over. It's hard to feel optimistic about the future but if we help each other, if we focus on others instead of our own situations, we will find that not only is the Christmas Spirit still alive, but so it the human spirit.

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Brittany CampbellComment